Strategic Business Consulting

"Our Experience is YOUR Benefit"

Now Available On Amazon :    Operating A Successful Audiology Practice

We Seek To maximize your on-line marketing efforts

Sales Education & Training

We are experts in all aspects of focus group research
Consulting To Audiology Clinics
We provide comprehensive business consulting
Strategic Consulting & Business Planning
Click on the pictures to learn details about each of these services
ENCORE Strategic Business Consulting is a client-focused consulting firm with extensive experience in all aspects of on-line marketing, eCommerce, social media and digital marketing generated from ten years of counseling with over 1200 clients as a SCORE ( Service Corps of Retired Executives ) counselor.   Tom Greenbaum, founder of the company, has conducted over 3000 focus groups covering over 100 different product categories, and has written four books about planning and conducting focus groups.  Our strategic business consulting includes all aspects of starting and running a business, to include business planning, forecasting, marketing and sales techniques , brand identity and market research.

In the past nine years Encore has specialized in working with audiology clinics to help them operate more effectively, utilizing traditional marketing and sales tools that have worked so effectively for clients in other industries.  Bringing this level of expertise to the audiology business had resulted in significant improvements in all aspects of. the clinics operations.

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